IB English Online Tutors at Baccalaureate Classes

The IB English tutoring course includes the two-year IB program which is classified into four areas of focus – Works in adaptation, Options, Literary Genres and intricate study. IB English course in Baccalaureate Classes is consists of detailed study and literary genre on prose. Our IB English tutoring in Gurgaon motivates the students to explore literature deeply and enhance their ability to present their reading skills. Through fundamental study of specific texts and passages, in their literary and cultural contexts, our IB online English tutors assist students to grow and sharpen their command over the universal language.

Tips by IB Online English Tutors

We are a faculty of distinguished IB Online English Tutors experienced at teaching in noted IB world schools and helping students to enhance their grades through our Online English tutoring sessions. Here we are narrating a few tips which will help you to get a 7 in IB English HL/SL

Powerful Vocabulary and Grammar

IB Online English Tutors at Baccalaureate classes propose that there are two foundations for better English:-

  • Knowledge of words
  • Capacity to transform these words into sentences

Excellent knowledge of words comes from sound Vocabulary while the capability to transform them into sentences comes from a good grammar. You must read more and more to make your vocabulary strong. Our teams of proficient English tutors in Gurgaon are adept in IB curriculum and provide online coaching individually and extensively to students advocating students to read newspapers, magazines, books and online articles to look for new words. Practice writing all unfamiliar/new words on a paper and look for their meanings and their synonyms. IB Online English Tutors at our classes’ advice aspiring students to use these new words into sentences at-least for once. This trick will make them remember these words forever.

Another important factor in English is the proper usage of grammar. Reading as much as possible will also help student to improve their grammar and vocabulary. Besides this, they should practice writing more to make their grammar strong. Try to convert everything you think into sentences. We ask our students to practice more from workbooks as much as possible, especially, SAT workbooks.

IB Online Tutors in Gurgaon divides the strategy to crack IB English exam in two steps:

  • Examining the question paper and
  • Writing the response to get good grades

IB English curriculum is primarily based on inspection. The better you analyze the better you perform. Give enough time to read the paper. Go through all the sections A, B, C, and D thoroughly and compare their text in your mind. We guide our students to mark key steps keep on comparing and contrasting in your mind while you are reading the text. The most important part is writing response/essay. Before beginning the framing of an essay, the students should keep one thing in their mind. Simple writing is the key to good writing. IB Online English Tutors advises that they must use only accurate, significant, and organized words in their text. We emphasize the following points while structuring an essay:-

  • The purpose of writing
  • Theme
  • Tone used
  • Structure of the text

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