Economics SL/HL

Economics SL/HL

Economics SL/HL

The DP economics course emphasizes the economic theories of microeconomics, which deal with economic variables affecting individuals, firms and markets, and the economic theories of macroeconomics, which deal with economic variables affecting countries, governments and societies. These economic theories are not studied in a vacuum- rather, they are to be applied to real-world issues. Prominent among these issues are fluctuations in economic activity, international trade, economic development and environmental sustainability.

The economics course encourages students to develop international perspectives, fosters a concern for global issues and raises students’ awareness of their own responsibilities at a local, national and international level. Teachers explicitly teach thinking and research skills such as comprehension, text analysis, transfer, and use of primary sources.

The IB DP Economics standard level (ECO SL) course contains four main topics (Duration 130 Hours) and an internal assessment (Duration 20 Hours).

The assessment model of Economics SL consists of two papers. Paper 1 is a 1.5 hours exam which contains extended-response questions on microeconomics and macroeconomics, weighing 40% of the final grade. Paper 2 is a 1.5 hours exam which contains data-response questions on international and development economics, weighing 40% of the final grade. The internal assessment contains three commentaries based on different sections of the syllabus and on published extracts from the news media, weighing 20% of the final grade.

The IB DP Economics higher level (ECO HL) course contains four main topics (Duration 220 Hours) and an internal assessment (Duration 20 Hours).

The assessment model of Economics HL consists of three papers. Paper 1 is a 1.5 hours exam which contains extended-response questions on microeconomics and macroeconomics, weighing 30% of the final grade. Paper 2 is a 1.5 hours exam which contains data-response questions on international and development economics, weighing 30% of the final grade. Paper 3 is an hour HL extension paper based on the all syllabus content which weighs 20% of the final grade.  The internal assessment contains three commentaries based on different sections of the syllabus and on published extracts from the news media, weighing 20% of the final grade.


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